Kid Veda Learning Methodology
The Kid Veda curriculum and methodology is aimed at making students “School ready”. School readiness encompasses development in five distinct but interconnected domains – physical and motor development, social and emotional development, approach to learning/language development and cognitive development. This is done using the play based learning method.

In India, as in many developing countries, a critical concern today is the persistent low levels of learning in primary grades, year after year (ASER Reports) which may be in large part because children are unprepared for school.
As per (IECEI) Indian Early Child Hood Education Impact Study 2017 (ASER, Ambedkar University and UNICEF), generally 59% time is spend on Play based and only 2.8% time is devoted to school readiness , 0.9 on Formal teaching and the rest 37% of activities without learning objective.
Kid Veda curriculum is designed in a manner that “School Readiness ” forms the basis of all activities done in the school. As each child is unique based on their skills and interest so also is the teaching methodology inspired by “The Theory of Multiple intelligence” to equip children with the 21st Century skills required to survive and thrive in future.
To grow and develop in the five specified areas as required under “School readiness” a lot of importance is given to play in the Kid Veda Curriculum:
- Develop motor skills
- Develop creativity
- Develop social skills
- Develop Language skills
- Develop emotional balance
According to Dr. Howard Gardner the traditional notion of a single IQ is severely limited. In the past, verbal, logic and math skills were equated with ‘intelligence’, while skills in areas such as art, music or social behavior were seen simply as ‘talents’. In contrast, Dr. Gardner says all areas should be equally valued and be called intelligences.
The 8 types of intelligences as per Dr Gardner are-
- LINGUISTIC (dealing with alphabets, writing and speaking)
- LOGICAL (analytical reasoning, numbers)
- VISUAL INTERPRETATION (art activities , drawing and coloring)
- NATURALIST (emotional and environmental needs)
- KINESTHTIC ( a lot of physical activities and outdoor games)
- INTRAPERSONAL (general awareness)
- INTERPERSONAL (interacting with each other)
- MUSICAL (singing, rhymes)
At Kid Veda we try to provide an opportunity to facilitate the development of all the intelligences, so that students can discover the ones they are particularly strong in and nurture it. The delivery of the curriculum is based on this methodology which includes planning Class activities, games, designing worksheets or activities, which helps in the development of any of these attributes. The curriculum is delivered through the process of “Happy Learning”
To make learning “Happy” we at Kid Veda focus on three main aspects-
Creating “Happy Learning Resources” which are interesting, easy to understand, colorful with a lot of real life pictures and examples and systematically designed as per age requirements.
Maintaining “Happy Learning Spaces” where an attempt is made to make the learning environment colorful, bright and interesting. In fact research has proved that we are able to learn when we are in harmony with the people and things in any given educational environment. Being in harmony means feeling safe, feeling valued and not feeling threatened in any manner.
Making “The Learning process happy” with a lot of activities, field visits, games, role plays and interactions where children can express and explore to learn. Our educators are trained to facilitate the happy learning process.
Kid Veda is the only Pre-School in the N-E to include Development Screening Schedule (DSS) as a part of each child’s assessment. The Developmental Screening Schedule (DSS) is a standardized screening tool to identify children at risk for a developmental disorder. It is best applied for children from 18 months to 6 years of age. The DSS screens the five development areas – motor (physical), language and communication, cognitive and social/emotional development in children. It also helps early childhood educators to screen the basic learning skills in children and teach the child accordingly
All these are ultimately the objectives of early childhood education. So learning and play are ultimately two paths that lead to the same destination.
At Kid Veda, we consistently make efforts to create value for our young learners. Introduction of Indian Knowledge System for Young Learners program (IKS) for Young Learners in preparatory and nursery is one more such step towards that direction. We believe introduction of the Indian Knowledge System for Young Learners program will benefit our children in multiple ways like:
- It will instill enriching values and habits
- It will increase their cognitive skills and develop memory
- Lays the foundation literacy for language and phonics
- Improves observation skills
- Increases mathematical aptitude
- Enables multidimensional development of the child.
Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director Centre of Human Sciences, Rishihood University, Sonepat and renowned Sanskrit and Vedic scholar and author will be our mentor for this program.
Abacus is the most ancient tool, which was developed by the Chinese, used for the purpose of calculations. The Chinese invented the abacus at around 500 BC and the abacus is still widely used by many countries in Asia, Africa and the rest.
It is considered to be one of the fastest ways of learning math and calculations. It not only improves the arithmetic ability, but also the logical ability of children. It also helps in effective counting of decimal points, the concept of integers, etc. Moreover, while using an abacus, we move our fingers across the beads and talk aloud while solving problems. This automatically activates the right part of our brain and thus helps in brain development.
Through the Kid Veda Abacus program for Beginners, we plan to introduce the basic level to students of Kindergarten to give them an edge and prepare them with 21st century skills.