Kid Veda

Our Support

As a Kid Veda franchisee, you become a part of the team that is focused on supporting your business with the best. We shall provide you with the right training, tools and support. We are constantly updating and improving our system with the best available concepts and have fine-tuned tools that you will need to ensure success in the project. Some of the benefits that you will enjoy are:

Pre-Opening Support: 

A detailed manual is provided as a guideline about the specifications so that safety norms are followed and the centre may be attractively set by with minimum wastage. Experts from Kid Veda will visit the location and share ideas for the centre design. Very often help is also provided in identifying suppliers to help complete the project effectively. This helps a business partner to reduce prices due to our network buying capabilities. These savings help to optimize the margins.

  • New business partners undergo intensive training that helps them manage a Kid Veda branch. The training covers all aspects of operations including the interaction with parents of students, centre management, staff recruitment, students management, conducting events, business development etc.

A detailed teacher’s training is also conducted where they are guided to implement the Kid Veda Curriculum.

Separate academic manuals and guidelines are provided to the teachers in each school to ensure uniformity in delivery of the curriculum

Training is also provided to Ayahs and helpers.

Each centre is provided initial marketing support with free supply of marketing material to help in local publicity and promotion of the brand.

All play equipment, teaching learning aids , classroom furniture, sample books , uniform , digital content, prospectus etc are provided to help the business partner start operation.

An experienced Kid Veda representative provides on-site assistance to guide a franchise with the centre launch.

Post-Opening Support: 

The Kid Veda support staff is always accessible at any time to assist the franchise partner with any operational issue. Additionally, a Kid Veda representative will visit the branch periodically to review progress and provide assistance.

A user friendly “School Management System” will be provided for systematic management and record maintenance of the school. Training to use the software as well as technical assistance for installation and maintenance will be provided.

Each Kid Veda franchise will have a link allotted showcasing their school and its activities.

Each school is provided access to the Kid Veda Buddy mobile application to communicate and provide feedback to parents.

Each student is provided a kit consisting of Books, Worksheets, Bag, Uniform and numerous other accessories.

We work with our business partner to plan professional, cost efficient and effective marketing strategies. All our franchisees have access to professionally prepared advertising, promotional and marketing material. Material include designs for brochures, newspaper advertisements, direct mailing advertising, public relations material, leaflets, banners, cable advertising etc. All the material provided is geared to produce results and give our franchisees a competitive edge above the rest.

Various events are organized jointly by the centres and the HO, which help in joint brand building and cost effective celebration of events.

Kid Veda is a community from which each member benefits due to shared learning. Regular interaction between the center management teams and the HO happens, where various issues like operations, academics, manpower s and various other management issues are addressed.

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