
Eligibility: A child who is four years or above is eligible to enroll in Nursery. Direct admission in Nursery without having attended at least one year of Pre-school/homeschooling is not possible.
Teaching Process

- At this stage teaching is done through a lot of group activities and non-competing games.
- Activities where children wait for their turn are introduced where they learn about good social behavior and discipline.
- Language, Arithmetic and Rhymes are introduced.
- Children have better fine muscle control at this stage and can hold a crayon/pencil steadily. So alphabet and number formation is taught through shapes and pattern tracing.
- Rhymes with related activities are taught with rhythm and movement.
- Children are introduced to objects that they observe everyday in the school, home, public places like markets, hospital, parks, places of worship for building general awareness.
- Real live objects or models of the things used often are shown, or children are taken on field trips to introduce them to the topic.
- A lot of importance is placed on value-based education- like respecting elders, helpers, taking care of the environment, not wasting things, being kind to the needy and animals etc. so that they grow into responsible global citizens.
- Each child is given a kit comprising of books , worksheets and play material designed and curated by the Kid Veda research team.

- Admission Enquiry
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